The English Literature

The English literature is very famous and authors are Charlotte and Emilly Brönte (Jane Eyre), G. B. Shaw (Pygmalion), George Orwell (1984, Animal Farm), Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot) and F. S. Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby).
But the one of the greatest dramatist all over the world is William Shakespeare. He was born in 16 century in Stradford-Upon-Avon and he had one brother and one sister. He got married Anne Hathaway and they had two daughters. His third child, the son, died. He wrote his own plays and was very succesful.
He wrote comedies (A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors), history plays (Richard III., Henry V., Julius Caesar, Richard II.) and the most popular tragedies (Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet).
In Hamlet, Hamlet’s uncle Claudius succeeded Hamlet’s father and married the Queen. The ghost of dead King appears to Hamlet and tells him that Claudius and Queen killed him.
Hamlet wants to revenge father’s murder and he pretended madness and made the theatrical performance and its about King’s murder.
King Claudius sends him to England, but Hamlet returned and kills his girlfriend Ophelia’s father.
After he kills her cousin Tybalt and Claudius, Hamlet’s mother drinked poisonous wine.
The tragedy end with Hamlet’s death.

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  17. září 2007
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Komentáře k referátu The English Literature

Nechci rejpat,ale po precteni, ze F.S. Fitzgerald je Anglican nebo patri do English literuture jsem to ani nedocetla. des