Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is situated in central Europe. The CR has area 78 864 km2. The CR is in temperate climatic zone. They are four years seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. The CR has 10,3 milion population. Our CR has four neighbours, Poland, Austria, Slovakia and Germany. First January 1993 is date, when Czechoslovakia split into two countries – the CR and the Slovak republic. In the CR lives some national minorities. The capital city of CR is Prague. Prague is the largest city in CR. Our country is mountainous. Krkonoše are highest mountains in CR, where is highest top CR, Sněžka (1602 meter). The deepest abyss Macocha is 138 meter deep. CR has many navigable rivers. The most famous rivers are Labe and Vltava. The largest pond is Rožmberk.

The currency in CR is Czech crown. One Czech Crown contains one hundred hallers. You can change money at banks, exchange office, etc. Picture famous people are on czech banknotes, for example, on banknote of value one hundred is Karel IV., on banknote of value two hundred is Jan Amos Komenský and on banknote of value one thousand is Tomáš Garyk Masaryk. Credit cards have majority people. You can pay credit cards or money.

Shops are usually open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays some shops are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Sundays some shops are closed. But there are some big markets (for example Tesco, Hypernova, etc) with longer open hours or non stop open. Offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday or Wendesday. Museums, theatres, ZOO, etc are usually open from about 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Calling in CR is often, mainly mobil phones. CR has call box, on phonecards or coins. The cheapest phonecard costs 175 CZK. Phonecards you can buy in post office, tobacconist´s, supermarket, etc.

The most frequently used form of transportation is by rail and by road. All cities have buses, trains or taxis. In Prague is Underground. The Underground has three routes, A, B, and C. After these air transportation and, quite rarely, river transport are used.

Our country exploit much minerals, for example black and brown coal, lignite, etc. Fuel and energy industries are very well developed in the CR. Other industries include metallurgy, the engineering chemical industry, food industry and other sorts of industry, Long tradition have czech beer brewing and wine making.

Lowlands are important for agriculture and crop farming. The most extensive czech lowland is Polabská. In the lownland growing sugar beet sunflowers, sweet corn, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, rye, oats. Poultry is also kept here, pigs and sheep.

The head of state of the CR is the President. Real power has parliament and government. He is elected for a five year term.The state flag consists of two horizontal stripes (white on the top, red on the bottom) and blue wedge.

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