Giselle ballet (narative essay)

Dance is something that people have done since the beginning of time. Art gives us the opportunity to see a wonderful expression of emotions, feelings, moments of glory. Dance has been practiced for a long time, and having a beautiful expression of art. There are many forms of dance, one of which is ballet.

On February 17, 2002, my friends and m I had the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful and famous ballets, Giselle. It was playing at the Wang Theater which is located on Tremont Street, just a few steps from the Boylston T- Station. The Wang Center is a relative theater with all the conditions necessary to present the most beautiful show. Its decorations gave a luxurious and glamorous style. The Wang Theater served as the stage of Giselle, a story of the love and death, of an innocent and beautiful girl who loves dance despite having a weak heart.

The story is developed in two acts, each one with a duration of one hour. Act I begins with a festival in a village where Giselle and Prince Albrecht begin their story of romance. But everything is not perfect. In another party, organized for the people in the village, the Duke of Courtland and his beautiful daughter, Prince Bathilde, cross paths with Giselle and Prince Albrecht’s plans. When Giselle discovers the fallacy, she feels upset and sad and she loses her mind. She kills herself with Albrecht’s sword and dies in her mother’s arms.

In act II, Giselle had been living deep in the forest and had now became one of the nymph. The forest nymph were scarily apparitions of girls who had died, and were betrayed by their faithless lovers. Albrecht usually comes to mourn at Giselle’s grave and dance with her through the night. Giselle still loves Albrecht and has been able to protect and save his life.

The performance of Giselle uses a beautiful stage, delicate and precious clothes and really wonderful and memorable music. The dangers were really graceful and professional, and seemed at time flawless. They seemed fragile, but at the same time they dance with the force necessary to involve my friends and me in a fascinating environment. It’s a beautiful story with the perfect ingredients to be one of the most wonderful ballets in the world.

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  26. květen 2008
  3 355×
  393 slov

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