History of English language

5000BC - Indo-Europeans tribes started living in Europe - their own language
800BC - they travelled to Britain - the first Celtic tribes came to British Isles (result => 3 living Celtic languages in Britain - Irish, Welsh, Gaelic)
43AD - Romans came to England and brought Latin (it didn’t displace Celtic)
5th century - Angles and Saxons - Old English (450-1100)
597 - St. Augustine introduced Christianity - Latin appear again
8/10th century - the Vikings - Old Norse added a lot of words to Old English; Danish invasions
1066 - Battle of Hastings - Norman invasion - influence by French
next 400 years - French infiltrated English; Old English => Middle English (1100-1500)
1340 - Geoffrey Chaucer - Canterbury Tales (Middle English)
end of the 14th century - English became the language of all social classes (including King and Court)
1476 - William Caxton - printing press -> fist E. books => fixed grammar and spelling
15th century - Early Modern English (1500-1800)
16th century - Renaissance - words borrowed straight from Latin
1607 - the first British colony in Virginia
1620 - the first ship called Mayflower reached America - settlers spread E. there
Elizabethan Age - English is exported - explorers Francis Drake (pirate) and Walter Raleigh
- period of William Shakespeare - famous dramas - Royal Sh. Company
1770 - Captain James Cook made a scientific voyage to Australia - British kept prisoners here - they spread English (1788 - the first prison colony)
1755 - the first English dictionary - Samuel Johnson (he worked 30 years - more than 40 000 words)
1782 - British moved north into Canada
1806 - Webster - dictionary of American English
1807 - the slave trade was stopped => the mixing stopped and in different parts of the world there was different English
1840 - the treaty between the British and the Maori in New Zealand
1848 - the start of massive emigration from Central Europe to the USA

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