John Irving - The World According to Garp

American prose-writer. He studied at University of Pittsburgh and in Vienna. He obtained a degree graduate at University of Iowa, where he also went through a course of creative writting. He was engaged as a professor of English literature of century, then he started to devote only to a writer‘s activity. He lives in the state of New York.
Work : The World According to Garp; Hotel in New Hampshire; The prayer for Owen

The World According to Garp
In this novel author describes a life of the fictitious writer T.S.Garp.
Garp‘s story is from the beginning influenced by his mother‘s philosophy. Jenny Fields made a point of a having child without a husband.
Jenny worked in a hospital as a nurse and here under a special circumstances she had coceived her child with a dedly ill T.S:Garp (T.S – technician segeant), who their mutual connection actually didn‘t také in.
Jenny excelled with her specialness and singleness. At Steering school, where she later worked, and where she educated her son, was known as a painstaking nurse, passionate reader, nice and unaccesible woman as well as a good mother.
Under a mother‘s leading and in the neighbourhood of the Percy‘s family, whichs members he didn‘t like extra, was Garp comming of a racy personality.
Jenny wanted Garp to do some sport. She chose him wrestling. Garp met here with Helen, his coach Ernie Holme‘s daughter. Helena accompanied her father at every training and she got used to read there. Between them arose a friendship.
After the graduation Garp and his mother went to Wienna. Both wrote there. Jenny wrote her biography – Sexually suspect, with which she became famous and she became a leading personality of women‘s movement.
Garp wrote his first more significant story and sent it to Helen. At once he expected that Helen would marry him.
After Garp‘s return to America, Helen, who wanted to marry only a writer, married him.
Later was born their first son Duncan and because Helen lectured every day at university, Garp became a househusband.
His life started to go in the same direction – another novel, second son Walt, short and unimportant acquaintance.
He is very afraid about his children.
One day Garp found out that his wife had a lover. He told her to end her relation immidiately, he took in the meantime children to the cinema. Helen sat in her lover‘s car and wanted to tell him and ended their relaton but Garp suddenly left the cinema and set off home. Unfortunalely he crashed in the standing car. All were injured and Walt died.
After the psychic analepsia, they had a daughter and Garp wrote a story
Whole ending of the book is about the death.
Firstly was murdered Garp‘s mother Jenny, who, as a radical feminist, had a lot of enemies. She was shot by a one of her males adversary.
Garp was killed by Pú Percy, mentally minor fanatic girl, for something, what he hadn‘t done.
It‘s hard to say if it‘s comedy or tragedy, satire or tragicomedy, but indisputably is The World According to Garp a work full of absurdities.

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