Fun facts
When Europeans arrived…
Before the coming of the Europeans were New York divided into two main groups: the Algonquian of the Hudson Valley and Long Island and the Iroquois in the western area.
Melting kettle New York…
In 1990 the average population density was 128 people per sq. km (330 per sq. mil). Nearly half the state's population was concentrated in the New York City metropolitan area. Whites made up 74.4% of the state population and blacks 15.9%; more blacks live in New York (about 2.9 million) than in any other state. In 1898 Manhattan was joined with other four boroughs and it become the world’s second largest city. New York had
7 322 564 inhabitants. New York boroughs are: Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Manhattan.
Williamsburg in Brooklyn is home to Orthodox (Hasidic) Jewish community. The Brooklyn Children’s Museum was the first to be designed especially for children.
Brooklyn is a heal “melting pot”, with west Indians, Itasidic Jews, Russian, Italians and Arabs. It is by far went international borough.
One part of Queens is Astoria, which is mainly Greek. There is a famous piano company in Astoria-STEINWAY We can hear near 70 languages in Queens. We can find there some things from Irish dance to Germany beer.
The Bronx…
This is a very dangerous part of New York. The most dangerous area is the south part of the Bronx - Hunts Point. Pelham Bay Park is the biggest park of New York. Here is 11 college. According to the 1990 census, blacks represent 37.3 percent of the borough's population, people of Asian background 2.9 percent, Native Americans 0.05 percent, and people of Hispanic background 43.5 percent.
Staten Island…
In Rosenbank lived Antonio Meucci, who discovered “Telettrophono”. In Sung Harbor there is a place where first hospital and retirement home stood.
Promenade Franklin Delano Roosevelt Boardwalk in Greenbelt is 4 km long. It is the fourth longest promenade in the world.
Manhattan is divided three parts - Lower Manhattan, Midtown Manhattan and Upper Manhattan. .In Midtown and Upper Manhattan into the streets are arranged in so-called grid system.
There is a big park in Upper Manhattan, we call it Central Park. Central Park, designed by the American landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, has dominated the grid from 59th to 110th streets since the 1850s. Olmsted also created other fine landscapes in Manhattan.
Manhattan is divided on many parts. Chinatown, Little Italy and Harlem are the most famous. Ancestors at New Yorkers have come from other continents. Many of them have for need distinctive ethnic communities.
Chinatown is a part of Manhattan, were Chinese live. In Chinatown is one street, we call it Pell Street. This name it get from one butcher. In Canal Street is Hongkong and Shanghai bank. Under the Manhattan Bridge is Sun Sing Chinese Theatre.
Little Italy…
The oldest restaurant is Villa Pensa. There was many famous people for example singer Enrico Caruso. In Little Italy is many other restaurants and shops, with typical Italian food and drink.
Harlem, residential and business district, Manhattan, New York City. Black residents constitute the largest population group, and Hispanics (especially Puerto Ricans) are the second largest. The village of New Harlem (named for Harlem, the Netherlands) was established in 1658 by the Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant. In 1776, during the American Revolution, the Battle of Harlem Heights was fought in the vicinity. The community grew as a suburb of New York City from about 1830 and by the 1880s was a fashionable residential area. From about 1900 through World War I it developed as a black population center. By the 1920s it had become the center of a black literary and intellectual movement known as the Harlem Renaissance.
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