There are many kinds of different shops in Prague. Outside the town we can find hypermarkets. In the city we also have additional stores, such a flower shops, bookshops and drugstores. Nowadays the supermarket is the number one type of shops where people like to do their big shopping.
In the most of the malls and shopping centers you can buy everything from food over hardware to fashion. On these big stores you can pay by cash or cheque or credits card. Shopping is one of the most important part of our lifes in recent time.
For the most people it is an activity, which they are doing every day. I like shopping, because it is for me a relaxation. I prefer buying of clothes. My favourite shops are H&M, Terranova, Yara and Kenvelo. These shops are good, because thez usually have my size and the shop assistant must be polit.
6. srpen 2007
4 103×
153 slov