Leisure times,sports and games

People have many kind of leisure activites and we can divided them into 3 main groups:
B}mental:reading book,chess-šachy,watching TV,plaing computer games,theatre,
C}manual:painting,sewing,cooking,knitting,basket weawing,photography,pottery

The hobbies are usually changed in the life,but some people have the same hobbies in childhood like adult age.Some people are very active and they try to do some dangerous sports like bungee-jumping , paragladeing,diving…..Other people spend their free time at home with time consuming activity.[watching tv].Collecting of something is also very common.People can collect for example :autographs,beetles,butterflies,coins,dolls,rocks, stamps,toy cars…..

When I was young I was really active and I have a lot of hobbies.I collected pencil sharpeners.Since 4 years to 10. I had them about 100.Some of them was from foreing country
France,denmark,….some was very old.But one day a made some exposition in living-room. Unfortunately when my father come back from the pub,he injured his foot and he must went to the hospital.He was very angry and he put my collection to the dustibin.I was very upsed and I have never started something collect again.I also playd on the musical instruments.I played on a flute for 7years.And then I changed the instrument.Now I play the guitar.I have 2 favourite leisure activites.The first is music especially punk music.I like to go to large concert with loud music.And I really love painting,Ipreffer draw in nature,when the sun is shinning.

I also did many physical activity.Since my early childhood I was keen on such sports as running,cykling…
Iused to play just for fun.In the kindergarten I did gymnastic.I keep doing for 3 years.In the basic school I played the basketball,but I wasn’t very tallented.I did it only 2 years.I also learmd swim when I was young since then is swimming in my most favourite single sport.I use to go with my parents almost every winter to the mountains vhere I soon got a good opportunity to ski.My parents also took mye skating when the pond in our city was frozen over.Then it was karate that attached me,because I liked the films with violence and I wanted to be as good as Jean-Claude Vandame.I keep doing it for 5 years and I was quite good I thing.I won a silver medal in regional cup.But my sports carrer ended when I injured my hip.I can’t do karate more.Now is my favourite team sport wolleyball.Every friday my friends and I have a wolleyball session in local gym.But I preffer beach-wolleyball in summer.I also tried body building wich has become fashionable in these days,but I haven’t the patience and presistence to go to the fitness centre regulary.

Sometimes I spend my free time with my familly.We have small cottage in Krušné mountains. And we spend hier a several weekends in the year.In spring, summer and authumn we go to together collect a mashrooms, blueberry and strawberries.There is a really beautifel nature.We go for trips on foot or on the bycikle or we can swimming in the pond.In winter we practise cross-counry skiing and downhill skiing.Sometimes I sledge with my younger brother.

Sports and games are one of the most popular leisure time activites.This is mainly due to fact that they help one to keep fit boath physically and mentaly.During sport even one can meet a lot of new people and see how it feels to be winner or looser.
Usually we can divided sports into some groups:Indoor sports include for example gymnastic,table tenis, squash,boxing,wrestling,judo…..Outdoor sports-rock climbing,horse rideing,car racing,cykling,golf………
Next we have sports,wich can be done only on ice or snow/wintersports;skiing[downhill,cross-country,slalom, ski-jumping]sledging,figur skating,snowboarding,toboganning….But most sports and almost all games can be done both indoors and outdoors.

The favoufite British sports
-football is most wide spread[manchester-united] In London is one of the world’s biggest football stadiums-The Wembley arena.
As is commonly known,in this collective game 2 teams of 11 members play with ball on a grass plaing filed. And they must to kick a ball into rival gate.
Next:cricket, greyhoun racing,horse racing,tenis, golf…

In the USA sports and games have been to great extend comercionalized.

In our town
We haven’t many sports facilites in our town.But is not so bad.In the river Ohře we can swimming in summer.In the large town park is a small football stadium,next to are a several tenis court,and the playground for beach-wolleyball.In the rest home is also swimming pool and sauna.There are two school gymnasims. One is modern and there is possibleto play floorball,wolleyball and basket there.The second is too small is use for scools physical training lessons.

Our physical training lessons
-are also guite interesting,and they are my favourite subjects.But we have them only once a week. Before the lessons starts we change into sports wear such as T-shirts,shorts and trainers in a dressing room. At first we do a little warm-up exercise,then we spend one hour in small fitness foom with body-building or aerobics.The second hour we go on stadion for running,jumping…In winter or in bad weather we go to the gym and usually play games or do gymnastic.Our gym is not so modern but I can describe the equipement in our gym:rings,two climbing rope,ribstalls,beam,horisontal bar…..
In the past we sometimes visited a swimming pool,or winter stadiom,but now it’s not possible,because the boath of theam was damage last summer by flood.

Olympics games
Everyone from professional sportsman/woman wanted to be the best in the world.And the most important competitionis the Olympics. The O.were already held in ancient Greece.And they were forbiden.The O. were renewed by Piere de Coubertin about hundred years ago.Today they take place every 4 years.There are 2 parts summer and winter wich alternate every two years.

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